Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Make Your Own God because today's God is tainted and Politicized and is a Racist


"I hope you found the sentence saying'God Is Mythical Excuse And A Good Escape.' among the omnipresent 'God's here. 

It's very hard for person to find true meaning of anything if your mind is shoved with predetermined prejudices. Sadly, it's how our society works.

But you have your own rights to live in your own terms. Why don't you make your own prejudices? Why don't you find your own answers to the questions rather than accepting the answers Predetermined by the Society?
I am not saying that I have reached the enlightenment or Nirvana and found the answers to every questions. I am not saying that God is not real. I am saying try to find your own answers from among the already established prejudices.
Make your Own God because today's God is tainted and Politicized and is a Racist." 


  1. agree..its not dat God is nt real..its morelike God's within u...so make ur own prejudices and please da God within u

  2. God...super human....philosophy...

    Life without philosophy is purposeless.....so came the concept of god.....
    A supernatural figure...who is the 'Messiah' of ur life....gave people a hope..in the time of pain..
    and always there for u when u need that power( A hope....)
    Stories strated building up.....
    There were peoples...wisdom people...around the world..may b supernatural in a sense...thier mind worked
    More than a normal human mind( which is 10%)..may b thiers was working more than 50 or even 100%..
    No one cn imagine the what kind of supernaturality that might cause....
    These people quoted in examples...were the good people..who worked for the welfare of then society...
    may b some supernaturality as i mentioned(50%)....
    THe stories started to build up...among these people...from generation to generation..to the modern world...
    U can imagine....if u had just saved a man in that time...what wud b the version when it passed from that time to modern world
    ...so u know our mind always seek for comfort...Some cunning forefathers..for religious rule..started to revolve such storiess..many such...

    which people easily digest..coz our mind always seek comfort..supernaturality..and so on

    Now with this small introduction..if u look at the struture of this world..there is really none u can really blame...???
    Who do u blame..The innocent people..who have been taught from the day they get born in this world about the almighty existenxe of GOd...
    Our forefathers...who ruled and are ruling by the religious law( fair in case of rule and rulership)....or the hope they emplanted in the mind of common people....
    This rule..this law have several consequences of its own...from the discrimination...to the bounded terriotory,,and the list goes on....

    What i beleive is ' There need to be a philosophy(u may call it god/devil) ur wish...to take forward ur life'...
    Or life without philosophy is purpose less
    (I typed in a great hurry..so sorry for any grammatical error)
