Friday, September 5, 2014

A Loveless Love Letter

I do not find addressing this letter to your name proper. It does not serve the purpose of the Universe I created out of your Presence in your absence because your name Confines you to something singular. Your name gives you the physicality but I am the one who has fallen deep for your abstractness.

Even your absence gives me conviction of your existence. You can be anything when you are not the false identity the world has vested upon you.

For a starter, You are the home that I want to go back to after tiresome work.
I have bookmarked “Missing” in my Soul’s dictionary. ‘A word’ which is a novel by itself. A word, a painting that hangs on the wall of my conscience. I remember you but I miss you too. I have missed the chances I should have taken and I miss you on my curtain less Chat window.

You are the words you type, bigger than life. Since, you are not a name I have the liberty to call you “Magic”. You add life to those soulless stickers. Do the magic that you have been doing, take my life and replace it with yours.

I will be you and we will be us but not a name. We shall be the bond of respect, faith and understanding. We shall be the conviction itself and the existence will follow.

Kiss me with your presence when you are absent. Embrace me with your life.

Let me ask you again, will you take my life and replace it with yours?



  1. we were distant apart yet wore it
    like a breaking sparkling bright
    though my eyes may haunt you forever
    your abstruse lines will blaze your desire
    down deep in your core feels ache quite real
    ironic twist of fate that lowers me down
    do you think that I feel any different?
    that it’s easy for me to shirk this off as nothing?
    your words has strangled this free expression
    resurrecting the same situation from another lifetime
    now, I am the wind on a desolate mountain
    you are my ice capped peaks where air is nonexistent
    we compliment each other in some God forsaken realm
    in your mind, you ask yourself why?
    all I ever wanted was to know you
    somewhere a alabaster angel stands silent by a grave
    Is this it? Only your pen will ever know that answer

    1. I don't know what the context is but the sadness is beautiful and I hope you have faith on your hope.

      P.s. My pen rather doesn't know the answer. I am the Brain Behind the pen and the so-called Brain behind the pen is Clogged by loads of self fabricated Pain to be the answer to anything.

    2. And the shoulder blades protrude through the skin on her back
      There’s not much left of her now
      It’s gone too far
      When she can count something which should not be visible
      When she can feel all which should not be felt
      When she can see yet be blinded, her regard clouded by all what the mirror reflects
      Her mindset is numb.
      And where once her heart used to lie, rests only a shadow
      With the setting of the sun, so weakens the shade, and darkness falls
      Embraced with fear it embeds her every bone
      By now she knows, This is it.

    3. Uhh..What? You are making Masterpieces as if it is on your finger tip. I am rather being overwhelmed by jealousy.

    4. It’s amazing, life.
      How one day a stranger
      Grown friend the next
      Best Buddies a day after
      Blooming souls follow
      Full blossomed and brought to life
      Bees and wind help spread the seeds of fruitful beauty
      Yet petals fall and wither
      But rooted, in shadow preparing for a season change
      Years pass
      Once a lonesome bloom turned flowering meadow
      Strangers no more
      From one day to the next.

    5. I am so Intrigued by this spontaneous but step by step revelation. You always stood up to your Name. Indeed an Anonymous You.

      Confused By the sides of the poems
      The flips are more confusing
      Are you pulling me away
      Or Getting Pulled

    6. Hey Bad Ass Anonymous, First off, I guess you have a bad Ass to name yourself bad Ass anonymous as I see non of your action as Bad Ass. If only your name was "Mr-I-Have-Comment-Everywhere", I wouldn't find it so hard to believe. Secondly, I am an anonymous here. You see, I can be anybody, even the person to whom the above blog post is dedicated. And, My so-called doppelganger, If you are to visit blog post with your level of intelligence and IQ, I reckon you would feel such inferiority complex more than often.
      P.S: I was not showing off. If you think I was showing off, you are free to do so.

    7. You. I am spellbound, may be. But this sense of vague proximity is giving me Butterflies.

    8. That sums up everything for me.

    9. Hey, I posted a comment earlier too but I don't know why It wasn't published. Maybe it is some technical glitch or you deliberately removed it. My point, I didn't post that above comment. Just because I was posting as anonymous, somebody took an advantage of the situation. And hey, our pact is still on. No more anonymity. I shall meet you very soon. Till then, Keep guessing.

  2. Too bad, He lets his keyboard do the writing. So, I guess, This is it!

  3. Bad Ass Anonymous (You know who)September 6, 2014 at 5:00 AM

    Millions of questions,
    without a single response
    and yet to still believe they exist,
    Isn't that hope?

  4. I do not understand why the post is being perceived other than the intention it was typed with. And no the so-called letter is not intended to the person you think it is intended to.

    It was rather written 4 months ago for my Highschool Sweetheart (Sadly a One Sided Appreciation) because I kinda missed admiring her.

    She is a Kickass when it comes to expressing herself using Chatroom Stickers. So there is no need to post cheesy one liners and deep four liners. And thus "You add life to those soulless stickers."

    And Yeah the Four Liner was an awesome treat.
