Monday, April 20, 2015

Her Eyes

I Dissolve into your tears
And the vanity that lingers
As if the time itself has fallen in love with your eyes
It chooses to march in the music of your flickering eyelashes
I exist in that strand of your undone hair
That constantly kisses your phantasm
I do exist
I am not just the light that hits your eyes
I am not a fiction anymore
I exist
For you dream about me
I exist
I survive
Just to be dissolved into those tears of happiness
I shall melt down and kiss your cheeks
Melt away again and perish into the breeze that hits your ear
And I shall whisper into your ear the ballad that your heart sings for your candescent eyes

Billions of stars in the universe
And Your eyes are the only Galaxy my memories revolve around
Embrace me with your flawless gravity

I exist in you
I exist because of you
I am not a fiction anymore

Beauty never made sense
Until your eyes lent the lights to mine
I exist in every wavelength now
I am not a fiction
Because your eyes are the home to my house


  1. u hab a girl Fren? any chnces of break ups? hehe

  2. i guess no girlfriend or i guess no breaking up?
