Thursday, March 20, 2014

I am Out Of Writer's Block!

"When Your 'Pain' is Not 'Pain' Enough"

Your Pain
Isn’t painful enough to share
When Your solution is not solution enough to dare
When You do Not have a miserable Life
But You have Lots of pain that Hides Inside

You don’t know what the hell it is?
But You do know what it reaps

Constantly you are held back
You wait for crazy sorcery trick to come out of your bag
Sometimes The world convinces you
How you are craziest of the careless whacks

Sometime You give up to the idea
That You may need to fall in love with a laid
But your pain is not ‘pain’ enough
To fall in love and to be shared!

You try to write about it
But you cannot find the words
You want to talk about it
But there are no right Numbers on your telephone!

And you just hold it inside
Waiting for that crazy sorcery
Waiting is not moving on
‘Time’ thinks it’s a mockery!

But your pain is not pain enough
But it hurts you a lot
Sometimes makes you little tired
Sometimes steals your fire
Kills away your motivation
Blinds eyes against inspiration
But your pain is not pain enough
But your pen is not pen enough
And Your Poem is not Poem Enough!


  1. You try to write about it
    But you cannot find the words
    You want to talk about it
    But there are no right Numbers on your telephone!
    I loved this part, exactly how I feel at times

    1. I am glad that I could replicate your feeling!

  2. Loved this one! Esp. The "telephone" and "pen is not pain enough..." part...
    Great going Aayush!
