Thursday, July 23, 2015


I finally am a time traveler. Although the achievement is half of what I practiced for but I can work with it. In fact I couldn’t ask for more. I can finally travel back in time. And who doesn’t want to go back in their past and relive/amend it? Everybody has made choices which they regret now. Everybody has lived such moment which cannot be replicated again. What wouldn’t people do to go back in those moments and re-experience them? I was made of same list of longings. I didn’t want to just think about past and get lost in ‘what if’s of life. I conspired against the universe and now I finally am a legitimate time traveler.

It wasn’t easy. The idea of time traveling was always plagued by our physical inability to sustain any velocity faster than sound; and time travel desperately needed my body to travel faster than light which was physically impossible but in the Quantum level it was an everyday thing. And obviously the Quantum universe was out of my reach. I mean, how can I shred myself into atomic level and adhere and adapt myself into the uncertainty of movement of electrons? But ‘something’ happened. For a grand achievement like Time traveling I always thought that this ‘something’ would come out as complicated indulgence and something which is practically an impossible affair.

But there I was listening to my mp3 player when that ‘something’ was being played, a song named ‘Shine’, a song by Jason Mraz, where he sagely states that ‘Love travels faster than light.’ And I was hit by this idea, “Time traveling is physically impossible for something tangible like our human body but what if I can send something intangible like ‘conscience’ which is existent in nature but does not have any volume or mass whatsoever, back and forth in time. I mean I sure as hell am sure that the velocity of Light can never affect something which doesn’t physically exist.”

There I was ransacking every websites and video platforms to understand the art of ‘Meditation’. Who could have imagined that the secret to time travel was something simpler and common like Meditation? I dedicated every ounce of leisure time I had to learn the discipline of controlling thoughts and consciences(deliberate plural-ism). The problems around me always pulled me down and almost made it impossible for me to cleanse my mind out of tensions and self established doubts. But I finally learned the lesson. It was rather a chapter. A chapter called ‘Acceptance’: I finally understood the underlying ever-present fact that, “Meditation is not escaping from who you are or what situations you are made of, it is accepting who you are and acknowledging your every decisions, right or wrong, that shaped you into what you are today.”  You have to first accept your identity and then only can you be able to explore more of what your soul has in store.

I finally was able to give magnitude and vector to my conscience. The clearer my conscience was the faster it moved in space and time. Now all I had to do was to think of the moment I wanted to relive/re-experience. I want to rephrase one of Paulo Coelho’s quote here, “If you want something from your heart then do not stop at wanting. Take actions to claim what is rightfully yours and in addition to the universe’s conspiracy, your heartfelt longings can even bend space and time to help you achieve that thing.”